Altered Existence



Book: Altered Existence

Author: April Simons

Pages: 232



I'm a huge enthusiast of post-apocalyptic narratives. Recently, I came across a fresh author, April Simons. Her novel, "Altered Existence," captivated me from start to finish with its gripping storyline and unexpected twists.

Korie, in her father's absence, shoulders the weighty responsibilities of safeguarding her sisters and procuring supplies for the Haven community as winter approaches. Her dad has been gone for months, searching for his wife and daughter, Georgia, and the odds of his return grow slimmer by the day.

Amidst these challenges, Korie and Dean, who are in a romantic relationship, become bunkhouse roommates, demonstrating unwavering support for each other. The story unfolds in this perilous world, leaving us wondering whether Korie will keep her family intact or face the loss of a valued Haven community member.

I can honestly say there wasn't a single dull moment in the book. April Simons' extensive knowledge shines through her writing, making this an accessible and thoroughly enjoyable read. Her work is truly refreshing, and I applaud her for a job well done.

Rating: 5/5



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