The Many Wonders of Deanie



Book: The Many Wonders of Deanie

Author: Bernadine Ziegler

Rating: 5/5



'Peek-A-Boo' is a poem that would take married couples down the memory lane and would remind them of their courtship days. The author felt blessed to get the kind of man she ever wanted as her soon-to-be husband. 

'He always brings me flowers' is a great story. In this, the author always had a wish to receive flowers from her man. Then one day, she found Mr. Perfect who first gave her a single red rose and then more flowers on more days. She got the intuition that he is the one.

Some other poems or stories that I loved from this collection are: my first and second car, My Three Little Angels, Coffee, etc. This book takes readers on a rollercoaster ride full of different emotions. I binge read this book on the weekend. I am truly grateful to the author for sharing her thoughts with each of us. The writing style of Bernadine is different and I enjoyed it. It would be great to read more books by her in the future.



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