A Broken Crayon Still Colors


Book - A Broken Crayon Still Colors

Author - Danielle Mazzilli

My Thoughts -

A Broken Crayon Still Colors is a wonderful book that tells the young readers that they can find love in blended families also. The book describes the feelings of a young girl whose parents have decided to get a divorce. With her grownups living apart, the little girl is not sure how her family portrait will be complete. 

This is a heartwarming story. With the help of this book, parents could introduce kids to the concept of divorce in simple words. 

Did I mention that the illustrations are top notch, filled with eye-catching colors they add life to the story. It's very attractive and creative.

This was a perfect blend of good story as well as good coloring schemes to make the young readers occupied throughout. I will wholeheartedly suggest it to all my fellow book lovers and friends.

Rating - 4.5/5


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