

  🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 Book: Sasquatch  Author: Roxanne Seubert  Rating: 5/5 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 Review: Have you ever come across the legend of Bigfoot? In this book, author Roxanne delves into the myth of Sasquatch, also known as Bigfoot or Yeti. We meet Connor, a charming character who loves camping trips with his father. This year, however, might be their last trip together, as his parents are planning to separate. Connor yearns for the days when his parents weren't constantly at odds. During their recent camping trip, Connor discovers that his golden retriever puppy, Dax, has gone missing. Despite searching with his dad and sister, Penny, they fail to find him. Ultimately, Connor's dad decides to take the kids home. At school, Connor confides in his friend Darius, who quickly offers to help. Before long, Darius and Connor find themselves back at Money Creek Campground. Roxanne maintains suspense throughout the story, and her impressive vocabulary adds depth to the narrative. The engaging plo

The Magic Sea Turtle

  🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 Book: The Magic Sea Turtle  Author: Kathleen Welton  🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 Review: Question of the Day: Do you read bedtime stories to your children? I recently came across a new author, Kathleen Welton, whose storytelling captivated me. Her book, "The Magic Sea Turtle," is a delightful tale I highly recommend for both children and adults. It's a story that encourages adults to hold onto their dreams. The protagonist, Myrtle, is a determined young girl who finds herself in the sea, a completely unfamiliar environment. There, she is warmly greeted by various sea creatures and befriends a turtle named Max, who profoundly impacts her life. This narrative emphasizes the importance of self-belief and pursuing one's dreams. It illustrates that with faith in our dreams, anything is achievable. The serendipitous arrival of Max in Myrtle's life feels like a stroke of magic or divine intervention. This book is also a wonderful read-aloud option for classrooms, inspiring c

Angel Finally Found his Wings

  🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 Book: Angel Finally Found his Wings  Author: Ronald Hunter  Rating: 5/5 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 Review: Charlie became the self-appointed guardian of the author. Everyone believed that he was taking good care of him. However, Ronnie was on the street from eight or nine in the morning until ten at night. Ronnie was doing all this for his mother.  To keep his mother out of the hospital, he was working for Charlie. Ronnie was afraid to upset him. He was doing business even though he felt guilty initially for doing it. Charlie has taught Ronnie to never leave a block without making a deal. Charlie kept him in business for a long time. Even though Ronnie was looking for an escape, he was stuck. I loved the ending of this story. This book has increased my faith in God and his grace. This story teaches us not to lose hope in difficult times as someone out there is having a more difficult life than us.  I am thankful to the author for sharing his story with everyone. A book that is worth readi

Pigs Have Wings

  🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 Book: Pigs Have Wings  Written by: Kathleen Welton  🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 My Thoughts: This is an adorable story about a pig named Miz Peg. She dreams to dance and sing but it's harder for a pig. Miz Peg sees herself flying and jumping through rings but in reality when she give a try to flying, she falls flat on the ground. Her friends told her to believe in herself and then she can achieve anything in life. When Miz Peg believed that she could fly, Miz Peg found herself leaping into the sky with her feet leaving the ground. I fell in love with the character of Miz Peg. I loved her willingness to make her dreams come true. Children would enjoy this story that teaches them to dream and make their dreams come true.  This book is perfect for readers of 4+ years.  🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 Rating: 5/5

The New Frontier

  🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 Book: The New Frontier  Author: Wayne L. Wilson Rating: 5/5 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 Review: The story features a black family who moved to an all-white neighborhood in the hope of a better lifestyle. However, their life became difficult when they were made to feel unwelcome. After the chaos that their new neighbors brought them, the Cole family presented evidence to the cops but the police didn't help them.  A President like John F. Kennedy gives hope to the people that they can have a better life when the right person is at the deserving position. Grant Cole was lucky to be a part of the New Frontier but it took him some time to get the possession of his new home in Los Angeles. His son Samuel was twelve years old at that time. Seeing the behavior of his neighbors, the young boy missed his old loving neighbors.  I haven't read many books on racism. This was a unique read to me and it widened my perspective. The story gave me a sneak peak into the life of a black family that be

Things you know when you read 2000 books

  🌸 Title: Things you know when you read 2,000 books 🌸 Written By: Ella Yoon  🌸 Review: I love reading books. One day, when I got the opportunity to review a book, I made reading and reviewing books my profession. Reading books gives me the peace, the inner satisfaction that I wasn't getting in any other profession.  Ella Yoon's book would inspire anyone to read more and more. It was fascinating to know how the author decided to write a book instead of just consuming the work of other authors. When I read that Ella even read books while taking the subway rides or waiting, it made me laugh as I could relate well. I used to read books while walking in a park. This way, I took care of both my physical and mental health. Reading this book made me know the author and her mindset behind reading. Reading takes care of both the mind and the heart. It enlivens the heart. Through books, we can meet new people or get to know a single person in depth.  This book enlightens you with a ne

Kites Are Flying High While I’m Barely Staying Afloat

  Kites Are Flying High While I’m Barely Staying Afloat By Caleb Thornton  Review: The title of the book "Kites Are Flying High While I’m Barely Staying Afloat" caught my attention and I picked this book. It is a collection of poems written by the author Caleb Thornton.  you know i loved you why’d you do me like that? i waited three weeks and never got a text back The above lines remind me of the ghosting that is going on these days. If someone isn't serious for you, they can tell you instead of ghosting and keeping the other one waiting. I am on my journey to find a soulmate and I have myself experienced ghosting many times. I believe people don't have the guts and they feel it is easy to ghost someone. Those who have some experience in a relationship would understand the author's words and situations better. I could relate well to these poems. The book is easy to follow and well paced. I am delighted to read it.  Rating: 5/5